Thursday, October 30, 2008

La Calavera

To celebrate the season we decorated skulls, calaveras. Calavera's are a common image associated with dia de los muertos, nov 1. my daughter and her friend sadie painted these wonerful paper mache calaveras.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Pirate Pig


Columbia, MO October 3,4

The Pirate Pig - miracle BBQ

While Gretchen and I were in the hospital, the whole family came together to work at our BBQ booth at the Blues Festival. Friday night was a bomb, and it looked like our ship was sinking, but with prayers and a lot of hard work-thank you Patrick, Whitney, Renate, Ben J., Tim, and Polly, we pulled it off. Saturday was amazing, people were taking pictures of the pirate flags and wanted shirts. We bounced back with a vengeance and had the best pulled pork at the festival. This was one of the coolest things we've ever done as a family. I think it will become a tradition. Over this next year we will build our own smoker. YO HO the Pirate Pig a Pirates life for us!

New Addition

Welcome Gretchen,
Born October 1 at 5:46 pm
7 lbs 1 oz

a healthy baby girl

We are so happy and thankful for her, she is an awesome new addition to our family. One Dad and three amazing ladies, a wonderful and new experience for us all.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the Pirate Pig

This weekend is the Roots'n'Blues'n'BBQ Festival in Columbia MO. This year our family is doing its own food vending booth, the Pirate Pig. I have spent the last few weeks working on flags and other signage for our booth. I wanted to give our booth a real authentic pirate feeling. We are serving BBQ nachos aka Pig'n'chips and Chocolate covered Bananas aka Monkey Tails. It should be a lot of fun.

9 months pregnant

Here is me just a couple days away from my due date walking an alpaca. This is a full grown alpaca. Hannah and I visited Sycamore Creek Alpaca Farm which is NW of Columbia.
I have always been partial to this Dromedary.